Download udemy, inc. 100 days of code: the complete python pro bootcamp for 2022

Udemy's 100 Days Of Code: The Complete Pyhton Pro Bootcamp

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Welcome to the 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn to code with Python. With over 100,000 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews and a 4.8 average, my courses are some of the HIGHEST RATED courses in the history of Udemy!

100 days, 1 hour per day, learn to build 1 project per day, this is how you master Python.

At 56+ hours, this Python course is without a doubt the most comprehensive Python course available anywhere online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional. Here's why:

  • The course is a taught by the lead instructor at the App Brewery, London's best in-person programming bootcamp.
  • The course has been updated to be 2021 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix.
  • This course doesn't cut any corners, there are beautiful animated explanation videos and tens of real-world projects which you will get to build. e.g. Tinder auto swiper, Snake game, Blog Website, LinkedIn Auto Submit Job Application
  • The curriculum was developed over a period of 2 years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.
  • We've taught over 600,000 students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or start their own tech startup.
  • You'll save yourself over $12,000 by enrolling, and still get access to the same teaching materials and learn from the same instructor and curriculum as our in-person programming bootcamp.
  • The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - that's you!

We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Python developer.

The course includes over 56 hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world Python projects.

Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:

  • Python 3 - the latest version of Python
  • PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab
  • Python Scripting and Automation
  • Python Game Development
  • Web Scraping
  • Beautiful Soup
  • Selenium Web Driver
  • Request
  • WTForms
  • Data Science
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • Plotly
  • Scikit learn
  • Seaborn
  • Turtle
  • Python GUI Desktop App Development
  • Tkinter
  • Front-End Web Development
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Bash Command Line
  • Git, GitHub and Version Control
  • Backend Web Development
  • Flask
  • REST
  • APIs
  • Databases
  • SQL
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL
  • Authentication
  • Web Design
  • Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and GUnicorn
  • and much much more!

By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Python and you'll be so good at Python at that you can get a job or use the language professionally.

You'll also build a portfolio of 100 projects that you can show off to any potential employer. Including:

  • Blackjack
  • Snake Game
  • Pong Game
  • Auto Swipe on Tinder
  • Auto Job Applications on LinkedIn
  • Automate Birthday Emails/SMS
  • Fully Fledged Blog Website
  • Build Your Own Public API
  • Data Science with Google Trends
  • Analysing Lego Datasets
  • Google App Store Analysis
  • and much much more!

What you’ll learn

  • Be able to program in Python professionally
  • Master the Python programming language by building 100 projects over 100 days
  • Create a portfolio of 100 Python projects to apply for developer jobs
  • Be able to build fully fledged websites and web apps with Python
  • Be able to use Python for data science and machine learning
  • Build games like Blackjack, Pong and Snake using Python
  • Build GUIs and Desktop applications with Python
  • Learn to use modern frameworks like Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Request, Flask, Pandas, NumPy, - Scikit Learn, Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn,

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • No programming experience needed - I'll teach you everything you need to know
  • A Mac or PC computer with access to the internet
  • No paid software required - I'll teach you how to use PyCharm, Jupyter Notebooks and Google Colab
  • I'll walk you through, step-by-step how to get all the software installed and set up

Who this course is for:

  • If you want to learn to code from scratch through building fun and useful projects, then take this course.
  • If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps.
  • If you are a complete beginner then this course will be everything you need to become a Python professional
  • If you are a seasoned programmer wanting to switch to Python then this is the quickest way. Learn through coding projects.
  • If you are an intermediate Python programmer then you know 100 days of code challenges will help you level up.

Curent content

✔ Days 1 to 14: Beginner

✔ Working with variables ✔ Understanging Data Types ✔ Control Flow and Logical operators ✔ Randomisation and Lists ✔ Loops ✔ Functions ✔ Hangman ✔ Function parameters & Caesar Cipher ✔ Dictionaries, nesting and The secret auction ✔ Functions with outputs ✔ Blackjack ✔ Scope & Number guessing game ✔ Debugging ✔ Higher lower game project

✖ Days 20 to 40: Intermediate

- Local development environment setup & Coffee machine ✔ OOP (Object Oriented Programming) ✔ Turtle and GUI ✔ Instances, state and higher order functions ✔ Snake game ✔ Pong game ✔ Turtle crossing game: animation, coordinates, inheritance and list slicing ✔ Files, directories and paths ✔ Working with CSV and Pandas ✔ List comprehension ✔ Tkinter GUI ✔ Tkinter: dynamic typing & Pomodoro GUI ✔ Tkinter: Password manager GUI app ✖ Errors, exceptions & JSON data: improving the Password manager app ✖ Flash Card App ✖ Send Email & manage Dates ✖ API endpoints & API parameters: ISS overhead notifier ✖ API: Creating a GUI Quiz app ✖ Keys, authentification & environment variables: send SMS ✖ Stock trading news alert ✖ Habit tracking: API post request & headers ✖ Workout tracking usgin google sheets ✖ Flight deal Finder ✖ Flight club

✖ Days 41 to 44: Web foundation

✖ Intro o HTML ✖ Intermediate HTML ✖ Intro to CSS ✖ Intermediate CSS

✖ Days 45 to 58: Intermediate + Web

✖ WebScraping: Beautiful Soul ✖ Spotify playlist: Musical Time Machine ✖ Automated Amazon Price Tracker ✖ Selenium webdriver browser & Game playing bot ✖ Automating Job applications on LinkedIn ✖ Auto Tinder swiing bot ✖ Internet Speed twitter complaint bot ✖ Instagram follower bot ✖ WebScraping: Data entry job automation ✖ Intro to WebDev with Flask ✖ HTML & URL parsing in Flask & The higher-Lower game ✖ Rendering HTML/Static files & using Website templates ✖ Bootstrap

✖ Days 59 to 70: Advanced Web

✖ Blog: Styling ✖ Make POST requests with Flask and HTML forms ✖ Building advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms ✖ Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV: COffee & Wifi project ✖ Database with SQLite and SQLAlchemy ✖ My Top10 Movies website ✖ How to create a website that people will love ✖ Building your own API with RESTful routing ✖ Blog: RESTful routing ✖ Authentication with Flask ✖ Blog: Adding users ✖ Deploying with Heroku

✖ Days 71 to 80: Data Science

✖ Data exploration with Pandas ✖ Data visualisation with Matplotlib ✖ Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas ✖ Google Trends Data: Resampling & VIsualising Time Series ✖ Beautiful Plotly charts & Analysing the Android App Store ✖ Computation with NumPy & N-Dimensional arrays ✖ Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn ✖ Analysing the NObel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib and Seaborn ✖ The tragic Discovery of Handwaashing: t-Tests & distributions ✖ Predict House Prices

✖ Days 81 to 100: Professional Portfolio

✖ [Pythong Scripting] Text to Morse code Converter ✖ [WebDev] Portfolio website ✖ [Python Scraping] Tic Tac Toe ✖ [GUI] Image watermarking App ✖ [GUI] Typing Speed Test ✖ [Game] Breakout game ✖ [WebDev] Cafe and Wifi website ✖ [WebDev] Todo List website ✖ [GUI Desktop App] Dissappearing Text Writing App ✖ [HTTP Requests and APIs] Convert PDF to Audibooks ✖ [Image Processing and Data Science] Image Colour Palette Generator ✖ [Web Scraping] Custom Web scraper ✖ [GUI Automation] Automated Google Dinosaur game ✖ [Game] Space Invaders ✖ [HTTP Requests and APIs] Custom API Based Website ✖ [WebDev] Online shop ✖ [Python Automation] Custom automation ✖ [Data Science] Analyse and Visualise the Space Race ✖ [Data Science] Analyse Deats involving Police in the US ✖ [Data Science] Predict earnings using multivariable regression

✖ Day 101: Bonus!


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