Productivity and time management for the overwhelmed online free

If you have more things to do than you have time and frequently get overwhelmed with all your priorities and tasks, you are in the right place! I designed this course to help people from all walks of life that struggle with trying to get it all done.

At the same time I have done my best to design this course as efficiently as possible since time is our most precious resource.

This course is going to be focused into three areas or sections. Each is designed to build on the other, but each lecture is labeled by concept clearly, so you will also be able to come back and hit specific topics that are most helpful for you.

In our first section we are going to focus on what is causing our overwhelm and what leads us to procrastination.

In our second section, we build the foundation for a new level of productivity and cover the fundamentals and key concepts that must be mastered in order to really get the results you want and to be a master of productivity. If you don’t start with the right fundamentals, even the best tricks and hacks won’t be fully utilized.

And finally in our last section we will build on the foundation we created by implementing proven productivity and time management tactics and strategies to really make a dramatic improvement in your productivity.

Here is what some of my students have to say about the course.

Great course!

The instructor is very knowledgeable on this subject. He uses applicable scenarios that I will definitely apply to my daily life. His ideas and instruction were easy to understand and make sense! The production quality was great- clear voice, no background noise and the instructor was a great speaker. He was engaging and quick to the point. I would highly recommend if you want a productive way of life and need to get things done more efficiently! by ELizabeth Garvin

A lot of information put out. So many nuggets to use in everyday life leading you down the road of success. Feels genuine for many reasons most important one in my opinion is the free apps to assist in accomplishing your tasks or goals. 2 hours well spent and managed. by Edward D Smith

Amazing course

This course is very informative, the explanations are crystal clear and the instructor is very engaging. by Mr. Vignesh Gunasekaran

Time Management: For the Overworked & Overwhelmed Presented by Lisa Albers Cognition Financial/SunTrust bank

Disclaimer The purpose of this presentation is to provide some suggestions for how to improve your productivity and quality of life in both your professional and personal lives. The information contained herein represents the opinion of its author and should not be relied upon as professional advice. November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Is this you?????? November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Time Management The conscious process of planning and controlling the amount of time spent on particular tasks. The better your time management skills are, the more productive, efficient, and effective you tend to be. Time Management, Ted Robbins November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Choose Strategies & Tools that Work for You that Comply with these 5 Dimensions: Priorities should be clearly established Tasks carried out should be geared towards these priorities and be explicitly explained Time, energy and resources spent on unimportant/non- urgent tasks should be reduced or eliminated Your system (surroundings & tools) should be made conducive in order to enhance productivity, effectiveness and efficiency Motivational factors (such as rewards or sheer self- discipline) should be present to guarantee the fulfillment of the time-bound tasks November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Set the Right Goals - Be SMART Specific – Has to be clear, no room for doubt Measurable – Are you improving or not? Achievable/Assignable – Must be realistic Relevant – Needs to be of true value to you Time-bound – You must set a target date Time Management, Ted Robbins November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Example of a SMART Goal I will finish and email my presentation for the MASFAP conference entitled “Time Management for the Overworked & Overwhelmed” by November 2rd. Confession: I sent the presentation on November 2nd just moments before the deadline. November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Prioritize Make a To Do List Make a To Don’t List Categorize Tasks as Urgent, Important & Whenever Put e-mails in appropriate folders immediately It’s okay to say “No” Be aware of deadlines – make them visible November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Focus Get rid of distractions – email, social media, people Hang up a “Do Not Disturb” sign Set your phone on silent & put it away Play soft music/white noise Do not multi-task Take short breaks – get up and move! Set a timer Complete challenging tasks during peak hours Reward yourself November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Find Your System Use tools that work for you Explore apps & ask around Should be efficient, effective and easy Organize your work space Control your inbox Less is more Work in progress – keep improving November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Recommended Reading Getting Things Done by David Allen The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Essentialism by Greg McKeown I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam Bossypants by Tina Fey (b/c it’s hilarious) Any and all books written by Brene Brown November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Done is Better than Perfect November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Questions?? Thank you!!! Lisa Albers Cognition Financial 262-966-0235 November 15, 2018 MASFAP Conference I Celebrating our past, inspiring our future.

Here you will find all the free courses that Udemy offers insdide the category productivity.

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What you’ll learn
  • Time saving tools to increase your productivity
  • Specific steps to maximise your productivity immediately
  • How to Prioritise your most impactful tasks
  • Develop a PLAN to master your time and maximise your productive output
  • Discover the blockages keeping you from maximum productivity
  • Readiness to take action on what you learn
  • A self-improvement mindset

If you have more to do than time to do it and find yourself consistently overwhelmed and snowed under by the ever-growing mountain of daily work then you’ve come to the right place. This course is designed with your pain as its starting point; it will teach you the tricks and tools to take you from being overwhelmed to increasing your personal productivity by maximising your effectiveness, squashing your distractions and creating a powerful routine of habitual excellence and productivity which will get you on top of your mountain so you can begin to look to the horizon at what you want to do and not just the stuff that’s demanding to be done right now. It’s too easy to get carried away by the daily urgencies that you end up missing the wood for the trees and end up on a life course that you aren’t plotting. Take control of your life’s direction once again with this course: by taking control of how you manage your time you take the reins on your life’s direction.

If you are a person that knows you are capable of much better outcomes than you are currently getting then you know there is a better way. The first step is eliminating the blockages that stand in your way. So great news! This course is going to show you that better way. And it’s 100% guaranteed to work or your money back!

It’s going to show you a program of tools and techniques and get you formulating your time management plan so you can:

  • Squash your distractions
  • Multiply your productivity
  • Get on top of your life’s inbox and feel powerful and in control
  • Control the direction of your life

We all know we could get more out of our days. But most people never stop for long enough to figure it out. So congratulations on taking the first step by searching for a course on time management and personal productivity. I can assure you that if commit to this journey it will be life-changing. It’s a shocking thing to think that our modern life with all its conveniences and all the efficiencies that technology have brought us have not made us freer with our time but more constrained, rushed and overwhelmed than ever. But it doesn’t have to be this way. What we’ve really learned from all this chaos is that there was never a problem with the time in the first place the problem was always in the management.

What we need more than anything else is a plan. Too many loose ends keep floating around in our head. Are they important? Who knows but they are urgently biting at our heels as we race from task to task week to week stress to stress. I want to invite you now to try a little exercise: imagine that you have reached the end of a day and you feel free, you feel your blood pumping with the invigorating pride of having accomplished everything that needs to be done with your day; more than this you have enough mental space left to ask: how can I make tomorrow even better? With this course I want to help you shift your way of looking at the world from the ‘putting out fires’ mindset to the blueprint-planning mindset. In this course you will meet the tools which get you on top of your workload and give you the feeling of control, productivity and liberation which allows you to look beyond the day’s workload and towards the grand canvas of your life.

DISCLAIMER: a quick disclaimer first though. Much as I’d love to I can’t do the work for you. I can show you the way and be your supportive guide but I can’t get in the trenches with you and do your tasks for you so in this course your are going to be rolling your sleeves up and putting everything you learn into practice and I promise you that if you make this commitment the return on the investment of your time and money will be exponential. And I’m not just talking financially here but more importantly in terms of your fulfilment with your work and your life as well as your emotional wellbeing. At the end of the day this is what we are looking for and it has been an axiom of philosophers and wise men for centuries and millennia that the wise man is he who has mastery over himself. With this course you are going to take a big leap on that journey by mastering your schedule, your day and by planning out the life you want to live. With these tools and techniques and a healthy sprinkling of commitment and hard work on your part you are going to be the productivity master of your days and your life.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to make a plan to tackle your life’s in-tray
  • The difference between what’s urgent and what’s important
  • How to prioritise the tasks which have the most leverage in your life
  • How to squash distractions and time drainers

This course has come out of over a decade of experimentation on my part with different tools, techniques, programs and insights. I have always known there was a better way to do things and bit by bit I have begun to separate the wheat from the chaff. Bit by bit I have experimented with all the gurus have to offer and put together a system which has given me powerful feelings of freedom, power and control over my life. I have been there with you, I have experienced the frustration of being overwhelmed by my workload and being unable to maintain control. In this course I will share my story with you and the techniques that have given me back control over my life. This journey has taken me through the works of the ancient philosophers and the wise sages from all traditions into the modern worlds of psychology and personal development and it has taken me on the journey of becoming a performance and excellence coach and a Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner. My own journey to mastering productivity has inspired me to dedicate my time and life to empowering others do the same.

My name is James Cussen and I am a life and business coach and I wanted to utilise what I have learned from thousands of hours of coaching clients, reading personal development, psychology, business books and experimenting with my own mind and life to create a course which is also a self-coaching program where you will not only gain knowledge of key time management concepts but by completing the steps of the course you will be applying that knowledge directly and immediately to your own life so you can coach yourself to excellence.

If you’re sick of feeling overwhelmed and out of control then waste no more time in taking control.

See you inside,


Related Courses:

Become A Superhuman Productivity Machine

Productivity Mastery Hacks – Work Less, Do More

Productivity & Time Management: Grow Your Side Business

Productivity: Applying Psychology to Achieve Your Goals

Double Your Productivity And Get Important Things Done

The Complete Time Management & Productivity Formula 2.0

Accelerated Learning & Productivity The Compact Guide

Time Management for Freelancers and Entrepreneurs

Ultimate Time Management for Teens and Students

  • If you feel like you could do with an extra hour (or two) in your day
  • If you are tired of the inadequacy of to-do lists
  • If you know you are capable of better outcomes but just don’t know where to begin
  • If you want to learn better self-management and get more out of life
  • If you want to accomplish more with less effort
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