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numerous times or numerous a time

He's done it numerous times.
He's done it numerous a time.

Apr 30 2013 23:22:39

  • Numeros tim
  • anonymous

  •   answer


AnonymousIs it "numerous times" or "numerous a time"?

Numerous times is what a native would say. I’ve never heard numerous a time, but I have heard many a time.

May 01 2013 00:51:03

  • Numeros tim
  • RandomGuy

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Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English and feel more confident about it. Learn More

Sentence examples for a numerous time from inspiring English sources

For all these computations, we consider a numerous time steps N equal to 50.

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The officers arrived to find a man stabbing a woman numeroustimes, the police said, and they ordered him to stop.

Duke was as unapologetic as it's possible to be, and called me a "cuck" and a "snowflake" numeroustimes before I'd actually asked him any questions.

Pierce the base of the pie crust with a fork numeroustimes to create a place for the steam to eventually escape when it bakes.

$$\end{document} Affymetrix microarrays, however, measure alleles A and B numeroustimes using multiple unique probes (oligos) scattered across the microarray's surface.

During their work commute, they had driven past a dog numeroustimes, which had been left tied to a post by a thick rope around its neck.

In this case, a developmental time course with numerous time points provided the ability to identify a large number of co‐expressed genes.

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Being a terminologist, I care about word choice. Ludwig simply helps me pick the best words for any translation. Five stars!

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Maria Pia Montoro

Terminologist and Q/A Analyst @ Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

What is Ludwig?

Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources.

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What does numerous time mean?

adj. 1 being many. 2 consisting of many units or parts.

How do you use numerous in a sentence?

How to use Numerous in a sentence. There are numerous side roads but this is becoming a massive man hunt. We'd discussed this point among ourselves numerous times over the past months. The art collections of Stuttgart are numerous and valuable.