Tower hamlets population decrease

Area selected: Tower Hamlets

Population Population Density Population Growth

Land area

20 square kilometres

international migration


Tower Hamlets Population

The population of Tower Hamlets is 331,969 according to mid-2020 population figures published by the ONS. Based on recent growth rates we estimate the current 2022 population of Tower Hamlets to be 346,903. In the year between mid-2019 and mid-2020, the population in Tower Hamlets grew by an estimated 7,224 people, and in the ten years prior to mid-2020, the population grew by 75,957. Compare population by area.

Tower Hamlets's population growth rate between mid-2019 and mid-2020 was 2.2%, which is 0.7% lower than the average population growth rate in Tower Hamlets for the ten years prior to mid-2020 (2.9%).

Tower Hamlets covers an area of 20 square kilometres (8 square miles) and has a population density of 16,778 people per square kilometre (km2), based on the latest population estimates taken in mid-2020. That figure has increased by 3,839 people per km2 over the past decade.

Compared to England's figures

  • Tower Hamlets's population of 331,969 is equivalent to 0.6% of England's 56,550,138 total population. Tower Hamlets is the 7th london borough in England (of 33 total) when ordered by total population.
  • Tower Hamlets's population growth rate of 2.22% is 1.76% higher than England's current population growth rate of 0.47%. Tower Hamlets is the 5th london borough in England (of 33 total) when ordered by population growth rate.
  • Tower Hamlets's population density of 16,778 people per km2 is 16,344 people per km2 higher than England's 434 people per km2. Tower Hamlets is the 1st London Borough in England (of 33 total) when ordered by population density.

What causes population change in Tower Hamlets

Between mid-2019 and mid-2020, net internal migration out of Tower Hamlets was 2,794, and net international migration into Tower Hamlets was 6,880.

Tower Hamlets's fertility rate (the total number of children that would be born to the average woman in Tower Hamlets if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years) of 1.26, and birth rate (the number of live births per thousand of population per year) of 13.2, led to population increases of 4,302 during the year, and Tower Hamlets's death rate or mortality rate (the number of deaths per thousand of population per year) of 3.7 resulted in a 1,216 population decrease. In total, a net 3,086 person natural increase.

Compared to figures for England

  • Tower Hamlets's fertility rate of 1.26 is 0.33 lower than England's fertility rate of 1.59
  • Tower Hamlets's birth rate of 13.2 births per thousand people is 2.5 higher than England's birth rate, and Tower Hamlets's death rate or mortality rate of 3.7 people per thousand is 6.3 lower than England's death rate
  • Tower Hamlets's annual net international migration rate of 2.07% is above the English average of 0.4%

Historic Tower Hamlets Population Change Components

During the past decade, internal migration has fallen from a net outflow of 21 in 2011 to a net 2,794 outflow. International migration has risen from a net inflow of 5,038 in 2011 to an inflow of 6,880 in 2020.

The natural increase in population, due to births and deaths, has fallen from an annual net increase of 3,452 people in 2011 to 3,086 in 2020.

International migration was the largest driver of population change over the past decade, representing circa 80% of the total change in population.

Tower Hamlets historic population from 2011 to 2020

Tower Hamlets's population, population density, and population growth rate, over the past decade.

Figures reported by the ONS in 2021.

Tower Hamlets forecast population from 2023 to 2043

Tower Hamlets's forecast, population density, and population growth rate, over the next twenty years. Figures reported by the ONS in 2018.

The population of Tower Hamlets is forecast to be 357,299 in 2025 and 375,609 in 2030.

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Areas near Tower Hamlets

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. Data sources: ONS Local statistics

Kensington & Chelsea borough saw a 9.6% decrease in its population from 2011 to 2021, results from the 2021 census show.

The first batch of census results released this week put the borough’s total population at 143,000, down from 158,000 when the last survey was taken.

This fall makes Kensington & Chelsea just one of three of London’s 33 boroughs experiencing negative growth in the last decade.

Both Camden and Westminster also saw their populations decline but Kensington & Chelsea haemorrhaged the most.

Conversely, the nearby boroughs of Brent and Wandsworth have seen their numbers rise by around 9.2% and 6.7%, respectively.

Tower Hamlets topped the list with the biggest population increase at 22.1%.

On the whole, London’s population grew by 7.7%, from 8.2 million to 8.8 million.

However, London Councils, which represents the 33 boroughs, expressed concerns that census data for the capital should be treated with caution as it was taken at the height of the pandemic last year. 

They also warned that the capital’s high rates of homelessness and digital exclusion may also distort the findings.

Kensington & Chelsea have also supported the idea that the census contains significant inaccuracies.

Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, Leader of Kensington and Chelsea borough council said: “The census took place in the middle of the coronavirus lockdown, at a time when our population had dipped temporarily, but substantially.

“We believe this data represents a serious and significant population undercount here in Kensington and Chelsea.”

Some have suggested that the borough’s declining population could be the result of its expensive housing, with property prices rising by almost 14% in the past year, according to data released by the real estate firm, Rightmove.

This makes the borough the most expensive place to live in London and by some measures the country.

Ben Franklin, Director of the Centre for Progressive Policy said: “I suspect the population falls witnessed in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster may have been driven by those who were able to leave the capital during the pandemic.”

The census is essential for the correct allocation of public funds and resources to the various constituencies across England and Wales.

Campbell added: “This is not just a statistical exercise. London’s local authorities receive billions of pounds of funding every year from central government, with the amount we get based in large part on our population.”

Tower hamlets population decrease
Kensington and Chelsea has some of the most expensive property prices in the country ©Colin Smith

Over 20 million households across England and Wales completed census questionnaires during Spring last year, with a record 89% of responses completed online. 

The results also revealed that 51% of the population is female, and 49% is male.

The second phase of census results will cover demography and migration and is expected to be released between October and November this year.

Featured image credit: Ewan Munro via Flickr under CC BY-SA 2.0 license

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38 per cent of our residents are Muslim – the highest proportion in the UK. What is the population of Tower Hamlets?

What is the population of Tower Hamlets 2020?

Tower Hamlets continues to have one of the fastest growing populations nationally and now has an estimated population of 324,745. Tower Hamlets' population density is currently 16,237 persons per square kilometre. This ranks Tower Hamlets as the most densely populated local authority area in the country.

How many children does Tower Hamlets have?

Tower Hamlets is a young borough, with good schools and improving educational attainment. There are an estimated 74,400 children and young people aged 0 to 19 living in the borough. There are 137 languages spoken in our schools.

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A part of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is in Tower Hamlets. The 2019 mid-year population for the borough is estimated at 324,745. Asian/Asian British Bangladeshis at 32% form the largest ethnic group. ... London Borough of Tower Hamlets..