A slight decrease in growth hormone ratio is seen with age, resulting in decreased metabolic rate.


Read the full fact sheet

  • Metabolism refers to the countless chemical processes going on continuously inside the body that allow life and normal functioning.
  • The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism.
  • Your metabolic rate is influenced by many factors – including age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity and hormone function.

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A slight decrease in growth hormone ratio is seen with age, resulting in decreased metabolic rate.

A slight decrease in growth hormone ratio is seen with age, resulting in decreased metabolic rate.

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A slight decrease in growth hormone ratio is seen with age, resulting in decreased metabolic rate.

A slight decrease in growth hormone ratio is seen with age, resulting in decreased metabolic rate.

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Why does metabolic rate decrease with age?

The volume of skeletal musculature decreases and the percentage of fat tissue increases with age. It is shown that the decrease in muscle mass relative to total body may be wholly responsible for the age-related decreases in basal metabolic rate.

What hormone causes low metabolic rate?

Thyroid hormone (TH) regulates metabolic processes essential for normal growth and development as well as regulating metabolism in the adult (28, 40, 189). It is well established that thyroid hormone status correlates with body weight and energy expenditure (80, 127, 143).

What does a decrease in metabolic rate mean?

A person with a "low" (or slow) metabolism will burn fewer calories at rest and during activity and therefore has to eat less to avoid becoming overweight.

What decreases metabolic age?

If you're 40, your metabolic age should really be 40 too. Those that are fitter will find their metabolic age reads much younger than their chronological age. To decrease your metabolic age, you need to reduce the percentage of body fat and increase the percentage of muscle mass you're made from.